Chapter: 87
[HP 73%]

[MP 28%]

Trenly had his arm bandaged with a lot of padding around his shoulder. Jay quietly made conversation with him as he waited.

“Looks like you had it pretty rough” Jay commented.

“Mm. Never trust an entitled brat to watch your back.”

Jay smiled back “…I think I know who you’re talking about… how come you went with him?”

“He saw I was level 4, and you know how he is. I had no choice.” Trenly shook his head as the looked at his bandages.

“Ah, that sucks man. Bad experience for your first time.”

“Well, It wasn’t my first time. My father is a hunter and took me to a level 8 dungeon to level me up. But I was of no use in a level 8 dungeon, so I guess you could say it was my first time doing anything.”

“Oh nice. What’s your father do?”

“He’s a wild monster hunter. He travels to different villages hunting the monsters outside of dungeons. Usually makes the most money from quests rather than the actual monster drops.”

“Oh cool. So are you going to join the guild too?”

“After last night, fuck no. I think I will settle for a quiet civilian life.”

“Oh, so maybe a game hunter?”

“Nah, I don’t really even want to touch a bow again to be honest.” Trenly lightly gritted his teeth, still annoyed at yesterdays events.

At this, Jay realised he may have some skills with gutting animals since his father was a hunter.

“…ever skin a carcass and chop it up into the different parts? Like steaks, breasts, loins, stuff like that?”

Trenly curiously looks at Jay “Yeah… But I don’t know what the parts are called. I can just prepare a carcass for cooking – basic survival skills for a hunter. I’m most familiar with skinning the willowpad rabbits. Why’s that?”

Jay smiled “Well, I was running a butchery. I’m a butcher’s son.” Jay hinted “But now I want to do adventuring, though I need someone to run the business…” Trenly looked up at Jay who was staring at him with a mischievous grin.

Trenly was smiling at this point while Jay continued “Would you like to come by… tomorrow… no, actually, the day after tomorrow? Does it sound like something you’d be willing to learn?”

“Yeah, thanks so much. That would be great. I’ll give it my best, after my injuries heal that is.” he looked at his arm.

“Well, it’s a deal… Oh right, you probably don’t know where my butchery is. Do you know the snakeraven inn?”


“How about we meet there at lunchtime in 2 days – the day after tomorrow – and we can walk from there to my butchery.”

“Awesome, thanks. Yeah, I’ll meet you there. Two days, lunchtime, snakeraven inn.” Trenly repeated as he smiled through the pain.