Chapter: 865
“… I wonder how often knights leave this area, and how often they come back. It’s hard to know if they’re patrols or a response force to my skeletons.”

“If these large groups of knights are patrols, then some will come back soon, so I can’t just keep watch on the door… but I can’t stay here for too long, either. It will only be a matter of time before they find the dead knights and naked bodies on that breeding floor…”

“… Ugh,” Jay frowned in disgust, remembering the things he saw there.

“I’ll see what the skeletons find, then we’ll make a move on the next room…”

“… If I can’t open the door, and they don’t open it,” his eyes glanced over the roots, “I’ll just have to force them out.” he smiled mischievously.

Three skeletons searched the room while Jay idly waited next to the safety of a large pillar, impossibly holding up the grand subterranean castle above.

Some sounds started coming from a nearby staircase.

“Knights.” Jay thought.

In moments, a light appeared. Another jar, carried by an intelligent knight in one hand, yet in its other hand, was something which was a cause for concern.

“Skulls… some of my skeleton’s skulls?” Jay creased his brows. “what are they doing with them?” he wondered.

“The skulls must have come from the skeletons slain under the gate before I closed it.” He thought, as the others had died recently.

Jay doubted they could use magic to track him with it, but whatever they were going to use it for couldn’t be good.

Worst-case scenario? They were going to test whatever weapons worked best against the bone skulls.

Best-case scenario? It was merely a trophy.

As Jay thought about how they may use this against him, he noticed this knight was alone, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Actually, they will not do a damn thing with it. It’s my property.” He smiled.

(Converge on the knight. End it swiftly.) he ordered.

The knight walked alone with its light and skull, almost peacefully, that was until three deathly skulls emerged from the darkness; swords poised to strike.

Each of them closed in on the knight with shocking speed, their weapons all pointed precisely at its weak points.

The knight froze. It didn’t know what to do.

And how could it? It had no weapons, and it had no allies. All it had was its armor - yet that proved useless as a sword pierced its back.

There was one behind… well, of course there was.

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The knight dropped to the ground; a luminous cloud appeared for a moment as the jar smashed. Its armor rattled, but the echoes soon died out too.

Jay listened for a moment; the cavernous room returned to silence. It was a flawless assassination.