Chapter: 866
Hearing that there was no response, he walked over to the body.

They tied the four skulls together with a piece of torn cloth, which now lay at its side in some broken glass.

“Huh. Mine.” Jay whispered, reaching out his hand and adding them to his necrotic gauntlet.

(Red, loot it. You can have the armor.)

Red had gained itself a new pair of boots; plated and angular. They fit well with the shin-guard armor. The spectral greaves ran down the skeleton’s shins and into a cusp of the armored boot, sealing in and protecting the skeleton’s ankles. It was practically a perfect fit.

“Now… what to do with the dead body?” Jay wondered.

“Sweeper, you might as well take its armor. You’ll lose it once we leave the dungeon, but for the time being, it’s decent armor. Even though it is rusted through.” He shrugged.

Jay watched as the skeleton began to physically strip the armor off the knight; it was troublesome as there were several fastenings it had to find and undo.

“I probably should’ve taken the armor off the first group of knights we slayed. I guess I didn’t really value it, since I couldn’t loot it. Perhaps had tunnel-vision for the system... System-vision?” he thought.

Jay decided not to watch the knight slowly being stripped and went back to his relatively safer pillar, giving a follow-up order.

“Lamp, dispose of the body once Sweeper takes its armor. Somewhere at the back of the room.”

After the skeletons finished hiding the body, they resumed searching the room.

During that time, no more knights had appeared, but before Jay acted out his next plans to get into the giant doors, he sent some commands to the skeletons above; the ones aimlessly running around the castle and distracting the knights.

“I’m not even sure if this will work, but it’s worth a try…”

(Blue, Handy. If you can, find an empty, pitch black room and un-summon yourselves - with none of the knights knowing. Try to find somewhere they won’t find your bones.)

Jay added the ‘if you can’ modifier at the start of the order, in case the skeletons didn’t have the ability to un-summon themselves.

As for the un-summon order, Jay hoped the skeletons would find a secret area to do this in, because if the knights didn’t find their bodies or slay them, they would still waste time and manpower trying to find the skeletons, assuming that they were still alive.

In the meantime, Jay could summon them and have all five skeletons with him.

However, Blue and Handy would need time to do this, and Jay would not wait for them to carry out their new orders.

The skeletons found nothing in the room and returned to Jay, ultimately finding nothing. However, one skeleton looked quite different.

“Oh… Lamp got some new clothes. Great.” Jay thought sarcastically, shaking his head at the horror that was Lamp.

Lamp had disposed of the knight’s body, but also took a reward for itself. It was now covered in skin from its head to its ribs. Apparently, it needed more than one corpse to create its full skin suit, as it lost some in the conversion process.

“Alright. Nothing else is in this room other than the stairs, the roots, and the door. Let’s move.”

Walking from pillar to pillar, Jay and his three skeletons moved to the door.

Eventually, he was standing by the last pillar closest to the door. Knowing how many knights had already left these giant doors, Jay felt quite tense.