Chapter: 868
Three other jets also spurted out the high-pressure fluid, and each of the skeletons similarly jumped back.

“Ah, it’s -” Jay stepped back in surprise, “Oh shit… Oh! Shit!”

Three skeletons and Jay brought their swords down, foolishly so, onto high-pressure roots. A minor cut was all it took to release a dangerous jet of high-speed fluid.

The jets damaged each of their swords and flung their arms back; Lamp fell off the bundle of roots, almost shattering the glowing jar mounted in its shepherd’s crook.

The cracks in the roots split wider, and shot against other roots, also cutting them open with ease.

“Oh shit,” Jay ran towards the door, hiding on the other side and expecting its opening. The skeletons followed Jay along, seeing how the situation changed.

The fluid gushed out with tremendous force, forming a larger and larger fountain, and ripping apart the remaining roots as if they were paper.

Finally, a deep rolling sound came from Jay’s side - the door was cracking open and light gleamed out.

As soon as it opened enough to fit someone through, three knights sprinted out towards the bursting roots. They knew it was bad, but didn’t know it would be this bad. Each of them stood at the side, lowering their swords as they watched the chaotic fountain.

Suddenly, a jet of green fluid shot towards one knight.

The knight paused, dropped its sword, and then shuddered.

The jet pierced its armor and instantly filled its insides as if it were a balloon. It had no time to react.

*Shring! ~*

The other two knights dropped to their knees - the skeletons decisively slayed them, taking advantage of their turned backs.

[115 Exp] [115 Exp]

All three knights died, but the door remained open.

Jay focused on his goal, and was peeking through the door. The odd lights inside drew his attention first.

“Luminous… sticks?” Jay thought, seeing the bright lights through the giant stone doors.

A pure white light came from long glowing rods in the ceiling, dispersing all the darkness.

Just beyond the door was a steel balcony overlooking the doorway. In the middle was something like a podium. No eyes were on Jay as he peeked through, though Jay saw a knight running from the podium on the balcony.

“I bet they control the gate up there. Good thing it didn’t see me.”

(Boys, quick, we’re going in!)

The skeletons rushed back to their master after the fresh kills, while Red had already slipped between the giant doors and entered the room, with Jay following.

Inside the room entrance was a small moat with a metal bridge going over the top. They did not fill the moat with water or anything, and it was as deep as Jay was tall. It was simply there to slow down enemies.; Jay could easily climb out if he fell in, and it would only be a problem if there were enemies around, harassing him from the other side.