Chapter: 867
“We’ll be fine. It’s a level four dungeon… just don’t underestimate it.” Jay told himself.

Jay was about to expose his presence here, so gave Lamp a luminous jar to light the way. Lamp hastily accepted the gift, however, instead of ditching its shepherd’s crook, it placed them both down, with the jar sitting in the curved part of the shepherd’s crook. Using a little necrotic mana, it molded some bone around the jar and fixed it in place.

“Huh… so it carries lamps and grabs humans with its crook…” Jay raised a brow, yet there was no time to ponder over it further.

Taking a step away from the cover of the pillar, he gripped his sword and shield tightly. His breathing became heavy. Each of his steps felt incredibly loud.

Approaching the door, he saw that apart from various iron bars covering it; the stone was smooth. The crack between them was smaller than his fingers.

“Impressive.” He thought, gazing upwards.

Somehow, the door appeared even larger up close, as if it leaned over him.

“Well, I can’t knock on stone.” He thought.

Looking over at the roots, he followed them along. They didn’t lead to the door itself, but to a part of the wall near it.

A hole had formed in the wall, complete with cracks, dirt, and seeping sap. They had formed a larger hole as they eroded the cracks of the years.

“Insidious.” Jay thought.

Combined and twisted together, all the pulsing roots formed a giant pipe of pumping nutrients, and all of them grouped up like this were as tall as Jay.

Jay’s plan was simply to cut them. All of them. He hoped it would cause the door to open. In fact, he was counting on it.

However, seeing the sheer number of these roots, as tall as he was, he didn’t believe he could cut them all; not him or the skeletons.

While the goal was to get the door open, and cutting one would do, he also wanted to do as much damage as possible.

Jay held another acid-filled shard in his hand, knowing it would do the trick.

“Ah… no.” He stashed away the shard. “It would be too easy. I can’t keep relying on these when things get hard. I need to do it myself.”

The skeletons rushed over, “well, by my own power anyway.”

As the skeletons got into place, he reasoned with himself some more, “I guess I don’t have to cut them all.. I want to, but it’s more of a secondary goal.”

With the skeletons in place, Jay readied his sword. He wasn’t worried about getting hit with stray plant fluids, as he knew from the breeding room that they add the parasites and eggs later on.

Together, they surrounded the mass of roots. Red stood by Jay’s side. Sweeper was on the other side of the roots, while Lamp awkwardly stood on top.

“Alright boys, one my count. Three… two… one.”


A deadly jet of high-pressure, green fluid burst from a slight cut on the root. It pushed back on Jay’s sword as it shot high into the air, and in moments, caused a green rain.

Yet the root was not done. Jay had just ruined its structural integrity. He broke the seal.