Chapter: 872
The knight’s green blood was squirming with smaller parasites. Some were as small as a fingernail while others were as long as a dagger.

“Just one of those would end me.� Jay thought.

He didn’t think they could leave the dungeon, but if one burrowed into his skin and slowly ate through his spine, then the chances of leaving the dungeon at all would plummet.

The three skeletons huddled under the bridge with the knight, and there was no room left for Jay either; at least, not enough room to be clear of the parasite-infested blood.

Another knight would come soon, so Jay waited at the back of the gate room in the corner.

Because of the army of knights moving out, it had been ear-piercingly loud, as they had tossed Jay into a violent storm, but now much of the marching had grown quieter.

Jay could hear a knight coming down the hallway and stood back against the wall. He could only hope it didn’t turn its head.

However, the knight slowed down, even before it came into the gate room.

“Huh?� Jay turned his head.


Lamp’s shepherd’s crook had left Jay’s bag to grab the clumsy knight, along with the luminous jar still attached. It glowed brightly under the bridge.

(Lamp, hide the damn light!) Jay’s eyes bulged as he stared at the skeleton with anger.

Jay had his bag with him; Lamp looked around awkwardly for a moment, and then stuffed it into the only place it could think of: under its human-skin.

The jar glowed under its ribs, and a soft glow came from Lamp’s eyes, though it wasn’t enough to be noticeable, not with the pure white lights in the room.

Yet, the approaching knight had already seen.

(Get ready.)

The knight moved into the room, not noticing Jay in the corner as it fixated its focus on the bridge.

It wasn’t cautious, but curious; Its sword lowered as at it approached. It probably thought another knight had foolishly placed a ‘glow pod’ (luminous jar) down there.

Lamp awkwardly held the jar under its flesh while the other skeletons readied themselves. Hopefully Sweeper would grab the enemy this time, and wouldn’t be forced to reveal the light-bearing shepherd’s crook.

The knight made it to the side of the moat.

Immediately, it saw its fallen comrade surrounded by skeletons.

A skeleton pounced as it readied its sword - the skeleton grabbed its gauntlet, but the knight braced itself. It brought the sword down and was about to free its arm.


A blow to its back sent it toppling into the moat.

Piercing swords slid through its armor; yet it only had one last thought: “Who hit me?�