Chapter: 873
[115 Exp]

Jay’s spartan kick was a resounding success. The skeletons dragged another body under the bridge, stacking it onto the other knight's corpse.

It was getting cramped, but the skeletons could still mostly hide their presence.

Jay returned to the corner of the room, pressing his body as close to the wall as he could.

A few minutes passed, and another knight ran across the bridge, this time not noticing anything.

Jay sighed in relief, though he still felt tense. An army was just outside the doors, while he was at a dead-end. Trapped with only one way in and out.

“This is so fucked up.� He thought, “But I planned for this. Just calm down and think logically.� He nodded.

“I’ll need to reveal my presence again to push deeper. If we block the knights from getting out, the army won’t be warned, either. Blue’s bones are up there somewhere, hidden. Handy is still running around. Once they discover their corpses, they’ll realize I’m down here, or at least that there are more enemies than what they realized.�

“They will probably do a thorough search, so I just need to act before then.� He nodded as another knight ran over the bridge.

Jay moved from his position and quickly glanced down the hallway, then looked up to the balcony with the podium.

“If we can get to the gate controls, we’ll be fine... or we can rush into the compound and try to slay the plant. Hopefully, it will be over after that.�

Jay glanced up at the metal balcony above. They built it into the wall so there were no supporting structures to climb up; a good tactical decision, while the walls were as smooth as polished leather.

The balcony was a little over two stories high; it would meet the floor of a third story if compared. It could safely look down on the three-story tall stone gates and see into the moat below.

Despite how high up it was, Jay smiled slyly as he sensed an opportunity.

“I guess they didn’t design this with the undead in mind.�

Before making another move, Jay returned to the corner and waited for the next knight to pass.

Another knight charged across the bridge, this time not noticing Jay in the corner or its dead comrades below its feet.

“Hmm... They use smells to get around and communicate. I’m surprised they don’t release a smell after death. A death-scent?” Jay thought.

“I bet they don’t like windy days, although in the crucible there’s probably not much wind, anyway.”

As the knight left through the giant stone doors, Jay only called up one skeleton from under the bridge.

(Sweeper. Remove your armor and get up here. Quick.)

Sweeper stripped off its rusted armor and jumped out of the trench as Jay pointed upward to the balcony.

(Jump up there.) Jay commanded.

Jay picked Sweeper over the other two as it had no real armor or stolen skin weighing it down - real armor being that which is looted, rather than physically removed from enemies, and can leave the dungeon.