Chapter: 90
[Propagative Stress Rupturing] (Passive) – (4) Fragments split apart after initial attack. (1) damage to anything hit by a fragment.

[Ability Requires (1) Enamel(s) of any kind]

[- 6 Mana]


Practitioner’s of the most vile types of manacraft use teeth as weapons – often, these decrepit cultists pull their own teeth for the spell’s. When slain, they are commonly found without any teeth left. “A toothless man is surely a Godless one.” – Saint Cleosevine.

Jay grinned at this “I still have about 19 teeth left” he thought “And I don’t even need to use my own”.

Viladore was surprised by the fragments that exploded after the teeth hit the nearby stone – he subconsciously had erected his invisible manafield ability.

“Dangerous kid…” thought Viladore “Perhaps we will need somewhere more safe to train in the future”.

Viladore nodded “Well done. That’s a decent basic ranged attack. Since you’ve learnt quicker than I expected, you can have the rest of the day off.”

“Oh? Well, thanks Viladore. I appreciate the lessons. See you next time… oh, and when is next time?”

“Well, I would say about a week. Normally it would be every few days but there are some… strange things going on in the forest so I’m assisting with that.”

“Oh, I see.. Well, see you in a week then.” Jay wondered what was going on in the forest that even the manacraft trainer was being utilized. “I hope Muffin is ok” he thought as he scratched his chin, before leaving the adventurer guild.

With a happy step, Jay walked down the mountain towards the village, wondering what he would have for lunch – however as he looked over the village, he noticed a small gathering of people. The adventurers were gathered around Bertram’s weapons stand.

Deciding to see what was happening, Jay began to walk towards the stand – “perhaps the merchant brought out his better, magical items” thought Jay as he got closer. Though it seemed like there was a commotion as sounds of people complaining got louder.

“You had these yesterday and you sold us this junk?!?” An adventurer waved his dull-looking spiked mace.

“NO REFUNDS! And if you don’t like it, shop somewhere else!” the fat merchant billowed with a laugh, before a sly grin appeared on his face “However, I will offer 10% off your next purchase in exchange for your old weapon”.

The adventurer’s jaw dropped as if Bertram was insane, yet instead of continuing the yelling-match, he gritted his teeth before muttering some sort of profanity as he walked to the back of the line.

Jay squinted at Bertram “Hmm, perhaps I should come back someday with a cart full of weapons and undercut Bertram. There’s certainly nothing stopping me from doing it. I wonder why no one else has though…” Jay pondered to himself “If there’s no competition, he can basically do what he wants. I would love to see that fat prick have to lower his prices and sell better weapons from day one… then no one would’ve bought that junk.”

Jay scratched his chin as he shrugged to himself “Oh well, not my problem. I can create my own weapons anyway.” as he walked towards his home to have some lunch, he did stop for a moment to pity the long line of adventurers standing in line, noticing Mark was there too – though Mark wasn’t facing towards him so he simply left as his stomach was beginning to grumble.

While having lunch, Jay decided he would probably need to stock up on skeletons and teeth.

“I’ve only got teeth from the stink-rats but that’s because they were living-beings, while the bayring’s were some sort of construct. I think I’ll head to wolf’s quarry for a little grinding and some bones after a little rest…”

While having lunch, some guards walked by Jay’s house. Remembering that something strange was happening in the forest, Jay had to be careful. “It seems like I’ll need to sneak out of town too” he thought as he wiped his mouth before heading upstairs for a short nap.

“So, my men tell me that you said the bandit that attacked you last night escaped. And you didn’t hear anything after?”

“No father, though I was focused on the wounded soldier; However ‘escape’ is not accurate. He retreated from Jay’s grotesque skeleton creatures.” Anya took a bite of her muffin as she looked out the window by Sullivan’s side, sighing and shaking her head after remembering Jay naming one of his creatures ‘Muffin’.

Sullivan folded his hands under his chin as he put his elbows on his desk “Seems like we may have found the source of these attacks. Perhaps I’ll need to question Jay” he thought to himself, before deciding to send Anya to talk to Jay.