Chapter: 91
“Anya, head to Jay’s place. He lives above the butchery… Tell him to withdraw his skeletons from the forest or there will be consequences.”

Anya looked at her father with a confused and concerned expression “What do you mean consequences? What are you going to do with him? And you think he is the one behind the dead animals?”

“We shall see. Go.” Sullivan waved his hand as the door opened by itself.

Sighing, Anya leaves the room “See you later”.

Jay was jolted awake by the sound of loud knocking coming from his front door.

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Jay waved away the notification with a smug half-smile before responding to the door-knocking..

“Hold on, I’m coming!” He put on some pants before heading downstairs, almost stumbling.

Opening the door, he found Anya standing there with a slightly concerned look on her face “You live here?”

“I gotta live somewhere, why are you here?” skipping the small talk, Jay reminded himself she wasn’t worth the effort – he was merely a tool to her.

“The guild master has a message for you. Can we talk inside?” Anya said as she looked around for anyone listening.

Sighing, Jay stood back and gestured her in. After shutting the door, Anya was the first to speak.

“Sullivan thinks you have skeletons running around killing things in the forest and he wants you to stop.” She got straight to the point.

At this point, Jay was walking to the next room with Anya following behind as he grabbed some water and splashed it on his face.


“You have to stop killing creatures in the forest.”

Jay paused for a moment as he put the pieces together. “Is this what the meant by the ‘situation’ happening in the forest?” Jay smiles “the animals dying?” He chuckled slightly at how much they were over-reacting.

“Jay, they’re not just dying, they’re being brutally disembowelled. One animal was found with it’s ribs caved in after being beaten to death with a glade deer’s head. The villagers would be scared if they found out, even some of the veterans come back to the guild looking white as ghosts because of the sheer brutality. If it’s your skeletons, it needs to stop.”

Shocked for a moment, Jay willed his feeble creature Muffin to stop hunting and go into stealth – as stealthy as it could be – and to wait near the wolf’s quarry dungeon.

“Ok. If it is me, it will stop… so the strange things happening in the forest have been brutal animal deaths?”

Anya nodded as if it was obvious. ‘Ah, Duh!’ she thought, but didn’t say aloud.

Jay lightly chuckled as he took a sip of water “Well, is that all?”

Surprised at Jay’s lack of hospitality she made her way to the front door again “No… I’ll see you next time.”

Anya didn’t show it, but she was a little disappointed in how distant Jay seemed, though she hid her internal frown as she left.