Chapter: 94
Jay grinned widely at the description “Looks like I’ll be replacing the rat skulls with much tougher wolf skulls. It’s about time the bones had an upgrade”.

The wolf continued to fight a losing battle against the 2 feeble creatures which were stabbing and slashing it’s torso to no end – along with the occasional throat slash.

At one point, it attempted to retreat back into the darkness, but the skeletons simply chased after it, their shade-vision stopping it from hiding.

The wolf had no choice but to fight for it’s life; It managed to do more damage to the feeble creature it attacked before, chomping down on the same spot it bit previously and doing more damage – the skeletons arm fell off as the wolf’s jaw snapped down, it’s radius and ulna split in half, one bone dagger dropping to the ground.

The silt wolf didn’t escape unharmed from this attack however, as the skeletons’ other dagger found purchase in it’s right eye, the dagger finally finding its target.

It whelped in pain, it was already half health at this point and fading fast as it activated it’s [Solidify] ability and chomped at the skull of the feeble creature.

The feeble creatures rat skull, which was small by comparison, was caved in. The skeleton was executed swiftly.

The wolf seemed to learn the trick and went to snap for the skull of the other feeble creature, yet was only met with another dagger in it’s cheek.

Jay didn’t panic, but acted diligently as his necrotic ring shifted and bones flew around him. He re-summoned the level 2 skeleton and sent it off to fight the wolf, while grabbing the lamp from Muffin and sending it off too.

[Chimera Research 4%]

The wolf was invigorated for a moment as it entered a 1v1 situation – yet it quickly lost it’s will as it was now fighting three opponents. The resurrected feeble creature quickly picked up the 2 daggers from the ground as it sprung at the wolf, seemingly forgetting that it had just been executed as there was no hesitation or any sign of fear.

Jay realised this would be a real challenge to any solo adventurer, they would probably have to smash the lamp and exit the dungeon by now, yet he had 3 bone guards which made things easy.

He decided to try his new ability – [Unstable Teeth]

Grabbing a tooth from his inventory, he channelled his mana into it. When the tooth began to look like it couldn’t take anymore, he sent it darting at the wolf.


[7 Damage]

An explosion rattled throughout the cave and echoed back a few times.

Assessing the damage, Jay was pleased as the wolf was finished off by one more attack from a minion.

[Feeble Creature Level Up]

[200 Exp]

Jay smiled at Muffin before looking back at the silt wolf “Seems like I’ll be needing more teeth” said Jay as he peered at the fist-sized crater left by the attack, satisfied with the results. “Decent amount of exp too, though I guess I am solo so i don’t have to share any” he folded his arms behind his back, stretching his chest.

“Ok, time for the loot… and to figure out why it didn’t bleed.”

Jay peered at the cuts on the wolf’s body “Seems like it doesn’t have any blood at all” he gazed as he pulled the hide apart at the cut, before both his eyebrows raised in surprise at what he saw. The wolf was hollow inside. “What…” he paused for a moment. “Well, hopefully it has bones.”

Jay unsummoned one of the Don’s, grabbing all the bones including the remains from the Don’s previously executed body, and stored them in his ring.

He gave the lamp back to Muffin as he cast “Raise” on the wolf and retreated back to the crevasse.