Chapter: 492
The Buju Sword clan was owned by the Sword clan, so Yujong told him to go join Yujing’s forces, but Yi Burwi insisted on joining Yujong instead. And when the academy was almost over, Yi Burwi spoke to him again.
‘Prince, when the Academy is over, you have to attack the other princes.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘The princes are working against you to kill you first. And... Prince Chun Yujing is involved in that plan.’
Chun Yujong couldn’t believe what Yi Burwi said. Even if their relationship had gotten a bit distanced, Chun Yujing was still his brother. Yi Burwi then told him that he’d collect the evidence and the princes’ meeting place.
At the hill behind the Demonic Academy’s dormitory, six princes gathered in one place.
“Are you all ready?”
Chun Mujin from the Wise clan asked everyone and the others took turns to express their willingness. Most decided to join and only one who didn’t answer was the princess Chun Yuyay from Loyal clan, and Chun Yujing.
‘No. I don’t want to win in such an unfair way.’
Chun Yuyay wasn’t like a normal cultist and preferred to solve everything in pieces, so she refused. She wasn’t interested in being Crown Prince anyway, so the others understood.
‘Yujing. What’s with you?’
‘Don’t say you changed your mind just because you are from the same clan.’
Princes gnarled at Yujing and Chun Yujing spoke.
‘Don’t give me that bull shit. Do you think I will think much about that peasant girl’s son? Count me in.’
And other than the Loyal clan, every prince agreed on killing Chun Yujong. When all of them went down the mountain, Chun Yujong, who had been watching up on the tree, couldn’t come out of his shock.
‘Why... why did you...’
Chun Yujong thought his brother was only one who considered him as family. But what Chun Yujing had said was something that he could ever even think of. Disappointment and anger was beyond imagination. That’s when Yi Burwi who also hid behind the tree spoke.
“Now you know. You have to strike them first if you want to live.”
“...Why are you telling me this?”
It even felt like it could have been better if he died without knowing this. Yi Burwin then explained his reason for helping him.
‘Because we share the same blood.’
‘What? What do you mean?’
‘Your mother, Kinghawen, was actually my aunt.’
Kinghawen’s true name was Yi Hawen. She was from the Buju Sword clan. Chun Yujong was shocked to hear something he had not known about before. He wasn’t told of his mother’s true family before, but now he had learned.
‘Aunt was adopted into the Sword clan by order of Elder Kingbonkang.’
Yi Hawen was originally appointed to marry the leader of the Giant Sword clan Ha Ilhan, but the Buju Sword clan couldn’t object the six clans.
‘Aunt had to suffer for years in the mansion of the Sword clan just to give birth to a prince and died.’
Yi Burwi had heard this from his father Yi Burkin many times. This incident was a scar that was left deep within the Buju Sword clan and still remained.
‘Dammit! Dammit!’