Chapter: 493
After hearing of his mother’s death and how she had spent years in suffering, Chun Yujong blamed himself for considering he had to be grateful for the Sword clan who raised him until now.

‘Strike them down. That’s the only way for you to survive, and also avenge your aunt.’

‘But I can’t fight all of them by myself.’

Yi Burwi was right in saying that Chun Yujong had to kill the other princes if he were to survive. But he had stopped training for past year, so his power had not grown. But other princes had trained and they now had become super master level warriors already. It was impossible to take five of them on alone. Chun Yujong had no forces to back him up and even if he had, it wasn’t likely anyone would move against six clans.

‘There is a way.’

‘A way?’

‘It’s a way for you to defeat them easily.’

‘...What do you propose?’

‘It’s through Blood God’s Reversion Art.’


‘It is an upgraded version of Blood Reversion Art.’

‘What are you talking about! That art is forbidden by the Great High Lord!’

Blood Reversion Art had a bad side effect that made users lose sanity and become mad. It was strictly forbidden from learning or using, but that was what Yi Burwi was suggesting Chun Yujong to learn.

‘No, this one’s different. Blood Reversion Art would be so, but our clan has studied and fixed this to remove the side effects. We did have success.’

‘But how did you...’

‘...We were ordered by the Leader of the Sword clan to do it.’

‘An order from the Sword clan?’

Yi Burwi said both covert operation clans owned by the Sword clan were forced to do many dirty things, including study of the forbidden Blood Reversion Art. But he said that the leader of the Sword clan did not know the existence of the Blood God’s Reversion Art yet.

‘This is different. It won’t make you mad or anything. There won’t be any side effects even if you use them once or twice while in a pinch.’


‘You are like my relative. Why would I lie to you?’

At the time, Yi Burwi was grinning in a weird way. But Chun Yujong, gripped with hatred and anger, could not see or care about this. And the night when the Academy ended and every cadet graduated, the incident that caused the entire Demonic Cult to become shocked happened. It was a night of heavy rainfall. Water puddles on the ground were red from blood and there were many bodies ripped apart in all places.


And at the front of Chun Yujong with deep reddened eyes, someone was begging. On the puddle, the man was pounding his head, begging for his life. It was Chun Yujing. He begged that he will never tell anyone of Chun Yujong’s secret and begged to be spared.

‘Please! Don’t kill me! W-we are brothers! Please!’

Everytime Chun Yujing mentioned that he was his brother, Chun Yujong was reminded of Yujing saying that he was the son of a peasant girl.

‘Kill him, prince.’

Yi Burwi shouted to Chun Yujong who was gripped with the beastly urge to kill the target. But every time Chun Yujong raised his sword to kill Chun Yujing, he was overwhelmed with a certain unknown emotion and couldn’t do it. He had learned the truth, but he couldn’t kill his brother who he trusted for over 10 years. So, in the end, Chun Yujong couldn’t kill his brother. He just cut his arm off.

‘You will now bark like a dog if I tell you to, and live accordingly.’

‘Aah... Y-yes... thank you... thank you for sparing me!’