Chapter: 494
‘No! He will be a threat in the future! You must kill him!’
Yi Burwi insisted that Chun Yujing be killed. But Chun Yujong refused and Yi Burwi pulled out his sword and tried to kill Chun Yujing instead and Chun Yujong had to stop Yi Burwi. The next day, Chun Yujong was arrested for killing the princes from the four clans and cutting the arm of Chun Yujing.
‘Why! Why have you not killed him?! WHY!!!’
And during five days at the prison, Chun Yujong suffered from terrible illusions and pain. The Blood God’s Reversion Art, which should not have had any side effects, didn’t take away sanity but there were still side effects. Chun Yujong’s mother, who he had not even seen once in his memory, appeared every night to shout angrily at him.
Chun Yujong was finally able to ease down the side effect by meditating continuously. He was finally freed after 10 days. The four clans insisted that Chun Yujong should be persecuted, but the leader of the Sword clan opposed the idea.
‘...Keep your promise.’
This was due to a secret promise being made between Chun Yujong and the leader of the Sword clan. Chun Yujong had threatened the Sword clan that he would reveal the research that was being made on Blood Reversion Art if the Sword clan did not stop doing it and help Chun Yujong instead.
When Chun Yujong was freed, Yi Burwi came to him but Chun Yujong warned him to stay away.
‘You told me that Blood God’s Reversion Art does not have any side effects.’
With this, Chun Yujong did not have Yi Burwi come close to him. He thought Yi Burwi was dangerous. But Yi Burwi told Chun Yujong, ‘Well, addiction is something you cannot stop once you start. Kekek.’
Chun Yujong thought if he should kill Yi Burwi, but it was true that Yi Burwi was the nephew of his mother and also helped him so Chun Yujong decided not to kill him. And after a year, the Lord Chun Inji came to visit him. Chun Inji took him to the Altar of Fathers.
‘I will make you become the Lord.’
Chun Inji said that he was stepping down to make Chun Yujong the next Lord. He had given up on hope as Chun Inji had postponed appointing the Crown Prince for a year after the other princes were killed. He thought Chun Yuyay would be the Crown Princess instead of him, but this was unexpected.
‘...She is too weak to withstand the danger that is coming to our cult.’
That was the answer Chun Inji gave to Chun Yujong’s question on why he was chosen. It was curious as Chun Inji specifically said ‘danger’, but Chun Inji did not go into detail. After explaining many things that the Lord should know and do, Chun Inji asked Chun Yujong.
‘The throne is not only power. It is a responsibility. You now bear the lives of 100 thousand cultists on your back. Ease your anger inside of you and think only for the future of the cult.’
‘...I understand.’
Chun Yujong then swore an oath at the altar that he would serve his entire life to the cult. And with that, Chun Yujong became the Lord, and to keep the promise, he eased his anger. But the anger that already had placed within his heart didn’t die out that easily. He took in wives from the six clans as a tradition but he couldn’t love any of them.
‘...I have to become strong.’
The Lord Chun Yujong largely lived in two ways. When he was done with his official duty as a Lord, he spent all of his time training martial arts. Chun Yujong was appointed as the Lord without any preparations, so he was weaker than the other elders and had to be protected by Great Guardian Marakim. Chun Yujong tried hard to train his martial arts. That’s when a change came into his life.
‘Oh no... my Lord, how come you always mess up your clothes like that?’
Everytime when he came out of training, a female servant greeted him with a sad look as she looked at Lord’s clothing that had turned to rags. He first thought she was amusing and exchanged a few words, and soon it evolved into almost a full day of conversation.
‘Wow. You didn’t mess up your clothes today!’
‘You always blame me for messing up my clothes, so I took it off before I trained. Hwa Yun.’
‘Okay, okay. Thank you so much for your generosity. Happy?’
‘HMPH! How dare you.’
‘...Are you angry at me?’