Chapter: 1001
Bethany had briefly returned but soon left again, taking two children with her. In light of this, Jayson's behavior seemed quite reasonable.

“Mom, Bethany never promised Jayson anything! Her heart has always belonged to Jonathan. It's Jayson who can't seem to move on."

Aimee's voice was tinged with urgency as she defended her best friend, worried that Jayson's parents might later shift the blame to Bethany for their son's relentless behavior.

"Oh, how Jayson pines for her. His parents scold him constantly, but it's all in vain! He didn't go on that blind date, and his work is consumed by thoughts of your friend! Meanwhile, Bethany has moved on and found happiness with Jonathan, while Jayson is left to navigate his loneliness."


“Okay, okay. I'm not placing blame on anyone. I'm just discussing the situation."

Aimee's lips tightened into a thin line, her face flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment.

When she had introduced Bethany to Jayson, she was unaware that Bethany was already committed to Jonathan, a relationship that had been in the works for quite some time.

Aimee's heart ached for Jayson as well, even if it was hard to admit.

After what felt like an eternity, a doctor emerged from the emergency room, calling out, "Family of Jayson Watson.”

“Here, doctor! I'm here!"

Aimee dashed over, her face etched with concern. "How is Jayson?"

The doctor, glancing over his notes, replied with a calm but stern tone, “It's not too serious. He skipped meals and stayed in, which caused his blood sugar and pressure to drop dangerously low. He can't keep doing this; it's bad for his health! I'll move him to the general ward soon. Maybe you can talk some sense into him. But honestly, why go on a hunger strike?" With that, the doctor turned and walked away, leaving Aimee with her mounting anxiety.

Moments later, Jayson was wheeled out of the emergency room.

"Jayson, I'm so relieved to see you're okay!"

Jayson's lips, parched and thin, curled into a faint, embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry for causing you so much worry.."

"Oh, don't say that!"

As two nurses prepared to push Jayson towards the general ward, Aimee reached out to help. Just then, her phone buzzed loudly in her hand.

She glanced down and saw Nikolas' name flashing on the screen.

Of course he called at a time like this!

After a brief pause, Aimee chose not to assist with the bed just yet.

Instead, she took a few steps away and answered the call.


“Why can you see my car? Are you at the hospital?" Nikolas’ voice was clipped, urgent.