Chapter: 117
Following the trail of roses, she discovered numbers shaped by fresh, red strawberries.


Jonathan was always so romantic.

No wonder he had instructed her not to return to East Shade Bay before ten o'clock. He intended to surprise Maddie here.

With his penchant for cleanliness, Jonathan would prefer no one else to enter his home. He must have set this up all by himself.

Bethany felt Like an ugly duckling, a third wheel between a prince and a princess. She felt utterly out of place.

In fairy tales, the ugly duckling transformed into a beautiful swan, but what about her? From childhood, she had been propelled by life, making countless unwilling choices.

She had to forsake a better school for the sake of money.

She took on exhausting jobs for money.

She signed that absurd contract with Jonathan for money.

Unlike her, Maddie could earn a sum beyond her wildest dreams just by representing someone in court.

Bethany constantly reminded herself of her humble status. She had to keep telling herself not to dream too big, not to overestimate her worth, and not to desire what wasn't meant for her.

Suddenly, Bethany collapsed into a squat and began to sob, her head between her knees.

She was not the same kind of person as Jonathan and Maddie.

They existed in a realm she could never hope to reach.

She shouldn't have allowed herself to develop feelings for Jonathan.

It was a crime.

The spacious living room suddenly felt immensely cold. Overwhelmed by helplessness and despair, Bethany felt the absence of Jonathan, who was not there to comfort her, saying, "Don't be scared. It's me."

Aimee, busy at work, was taken aback by Bethany's raspy voice.

"What happened to you? Jayson mentioned your mother didn't find out anything."

"It's not about my mother." Bethany paused for a long time and said awkwardly over the phone, "Could I stay at your place for a few days? I'll look for my own place and move out soon.”

Aimee was surprised and asked, "You don't want to keep renting your current apartment?"

"Well... Kind of."

"Then why not just move in with me?" Aimee suggested. ve brought it up before, but you weren't keen. It would be fun to Live together.