Chapter: 1186
"No, it's bedtime now. You both need to sleep early tonight. I have to keep an eye on your mommy. I'm worried about her being alone in the room."


Jonathan usually enjoyed putting the children to bed himself whenever possible.

But tonight was different. His concern for Bethany was too great, so after tucking the children in and ensuring they were snug under their quilts, he left their room.

He cautiously opened the door to the guest bedroom. The dim light from the night lamp cast long shadows across the room.

But the bed was empty.

He quickly lifted the quilt, confirming it was indeed unoccupied.

Turning around, he rushed to the bathroom, only to find Bethany asleep in front of the toilet.

It wasn't clear when she had woken up, but a quick check confirmed she hadn't vomited.

With no other option, Jonathan gently picked her up, cleaned her mouth, and returned her to the bed.

How could he leave her in such a state?

Jonathan sighed deeply, went back to the master bedroom to retrieve his laptop, and set it up on the desk in the guest room.

He began to work, figuring he wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.

Earlier that day, after settling the children, he had gone to Bethany's apartment, intending to check on her through the window.

He hadn't sensed anything amiss until he saw that her apartment lights remained off.

Worried, he had called her colleague and learned she was at a gathering.

Jonathan couldn't help but think of what might have happened to Bethany if he hadn't decided to check on her.

Jonathan wondered if Colt would've escorted Bethany home if he hadn't come?

Just the thought of it made his brow knit in concern.

So many men were clamoring for Bethany's attention, like moths drawn to a flame.


The woman in the bed turned restlessly, emitting a soft groan of discomfort.

Jonathan leaned in and asked, “Are you awake? If you can hear me, just respond. Take the hangover medicine; it'll help you feel better."

But Bethany merely waved him away and buried her face deeper into the quilt, as if trying to vanish into its folds.