Chapter: 641
"No one! My son doesn't know anyone named Bethany." Francine remained adamant about keeping Bethany away from her son.

The doctor, unaware of the tension, shrugged. "I must have misheard. I thought having someone close to him here might help him fight. His injuries are serious, and when he briefly woke up, he called out for her."

“Can I see him? I'll beg him to hold on!" Francine pleaded, gripping the doctor's hand desperately. “I'm his mother. Who could be more important to him than me?"

The doctor paused, then reassured her with a pat on her hand. "It's okay. Not necessary right now. I'll let you know if it changes."

With that, he turned to leave. Godfrey quickly caught up with him.


“If my son brings up that name again, just tell him Bethany's doing well."

Bethany remained unconscious, almost 30 hours passing in a haze of stillness.

Every one of her wounds had turned bad, her body burning up with fever.

"How could you neglect her like this? Are you trying to make her lose her legs? She just had surgery for her broken bones, and you let her leave the hospital, soaking wet from the rain all night. Do you want to speed up her dying?" the doctor asked.

Jayson stood there, head bowed, dark circles carved deep under his eyes.

Since Bethany was brought in, he hadn't dared to shut his eyes, not even for a second. Aimee had to take care of the two children, and Jayson trusted no one else.

"I'm begging you, doctor. Please, do whatever it takes to save her!"

"Do you understand that if the infection spreads, it could cause her organs to fail? Even if I were the best doctor in the world, it wouldn't make a difference!"

“How is she doing now?"

The doctor shot him a sharp look, assuming he was Bethany's husband.

“Well, she's alive, for now. She's out of immediate danger, but if things continue like this, she'll lose the use of her legs. She may never walk again."

"Yes. I'll make sure Bethany doesn't move again!" Jayson nodded.

"When will she wake up?"

"Her health wasn't great, to begin with, and with everything that's happened, it's hard to say. Just keep a close eye on her."

With that, the doctor exited.

Jayson walked back into Bethany's hospital room, staring at her pale face, his heart filled with both anger and sadness. Then he reflected on his own situation.

Everyone had repeatedly told him to move on and to stop waiting for Bethany. Even she had encouraged him to find a girlfriend.

But giving his heart to someone wasn't something he could easily reverse.