Chapter: 735
Confused by Aimee's sudden decision to leave Wesden-though not entirely shocked, given her history of changing plans—Bethany felt compelled to respond.

"Were you sleepless because of my situation? When you get this, message me, Aimee. You came here for me, remember? If I don't see you off, I'll regret it forever."

After sending her message, Bethany waited but got no reply.

She figured Aimee had likely gone back to sleep and wouldn't wake up until the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Jonathan, who had been sleeping beside her, stirred. He reached out, intending to pull her close with an arm around her waist.


His movement was too abrupt, aggravating his injury.

Bethany immediately set her phone aside and gently pushed him away.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed? Let's check for any bleeding. Maybe we should call Samira to have a look!"

"Now?" Jonathan queried, his eyebrows arching inquisitively.

"Or should she come later? Isn't Samira supposed to be at work at this time?"

“Are you sure?" Jonathan pressed further, skepticism lacing his tone.

Bethany hesitated, her eyes drifting around the room. It was only then she noticed their clothes strewn across the carpet of the ward, remnants of their intimate escapades from the night before. The room was permeated with a sensual aroma. They had fallen asleep without airing it out.

The thought of Samira walking into such a scene made her uneasy.

“I should probably check your wound first," she suggested, trying to divert the topic.

“Okay," Jonathan consented, leaning towards her.

He flinched slightly as her hand made contact with his skin, a tingling sensation accompanying a twinge of pain at the wound site.

Without warning, Jonathan seized Bethany's wrist as she moved to inspect the area.

"Stop, don't look at it anymore." puzzled and concerned, Bethany asked, "Did I hurt you? Just hold still for a moment. I need to see if the stitches came loose."

Jonathan's expression tightened, his jawline becoming more pronounced as he resisted.

“I've already told you, stop checking it."

“Just one more quick look, okay?"

This time, Jonathan grasped her hand and led her downstairs.

Bethany instinctively pulled away the moment her hand brushed against the unexpectedly hot area of his lower body.