Chapter: 941
As for the possibility of him falling for someone else, that had never crossed her mind.

"Would you?" Bethany didn't answer his question but instead asked him back.

Jonathan's voice sounded odd due to his stuffy nose. It was low and raspy, almost as if he was complaining.

"You know that I'll always take your side."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be here."

Who was she, after all? Just an ordinary person.

She should have been occupied with her own work and life. How could she be lying in the bed of the CEO of Bates Group, in Wesden?

Not wanting to argue, Jonathan covered his head with the blanket and closed his eyes.

Initially, Bethany thought Jonathan was simply exhausted from traveling and had caught a cold. However, his fever persisted for several days, fluctuating between worsening and improving.

At its peak, his fever soared to 40 degrees Celsius. He didn't wake up until he had slept for over twelve hours.

Bethany had no choice but to call Samira back, whether Jonathan wanted to see her or not.

“What happened? Why didn't you tell me it was this severe?"

Samira examined Jonathan's blood test results with a concerned look.

Bethany pursed her lips, remaining silent for a while.

Samira turned her face sideways, paused for a moment, and then asked, "Did Jonathan tell you?"

"Yes." Bethany nodded. "It's not that I didn't want to come to you, but..."

"I understand. Jonathan doesn't want to see me. He's worried it might make you jealous, right?" With an awkward smile, Samira took down a note and asked a nurse to fetch an infusion bottle. "Don't worry. I don't have any feelings for him. It was just something my parents thought up."

"I won't get jealous, but Jonathan's worried that I will."

“He really loves you a lot." After saying that, Samira left to arrange the IV setup for Jonathan.

Bethany approached Jonathan, who was lying in the bed with his eyes closed. His face was slightly red, and he was breathing heavily, indicating his discomfort.

She took Jonathan's hand in hers.

Feeling her touch, Jonathan slowly opened his eyes and said, "Bethany..."

"Yes, I'm here."

"You're not going to leave without telling me, are you?"