Chapter: 279
“Huh, I wonder why Jay was requested at the guild.” Trenly wondered before going back to make some sausages, completely unfazed. It was like the guard was never even there at all.

After handing the hammers back to the skeletons, Jay sent them away with one command.

“Resume Orders…?” He raised a brow, wondering if it would work.

The skeletons ran off towards the ruined megacity, resuming the hunt once more.

“So they do remember through death.. interesting.”

“Not long till I hit level 10… I wonder if I will get another class skill?”

He had hopeful eyes as he watched the wolf-skull skeletons running over the hill, the clattering of their bones getting quieter.

Jay left the dungeon and headed back to Losla. He passed a small party of three adventurers on the way who were heading for the mist keep dungeon – but he still hadn’t encountered Stephen again.

The party of three gave Jay a wide-eyed look as he ran back from that dungeon – not only amazed that they weren’t the first ones there, but that someone was already heading back from it.

“He’s been here so long that he’s already heading home?” one shook their head in disbelief.

“Do you think he’s been there all night?” One asked among their trio.

“That’s why he’s level nine… he just doesn’t stop… He probably does this every day and every night” Technically, this person was right. Jay’s skeletons were fighting almost non-stop.

That was all Jay heard as he continued past them, though admittedly, he too was a little surprised seeing other adventurers out this early.

The mist keep dungeon was popular at the moment. It was a level 3 dungeon where you would usually fight two stone soldiers at a time. The were easy to find in the dungeon landscape, had obvious attacks, and there was plenty of time to prepare to fight – you could even avoid them if you wished.

If you wanted to have more of a challenge, you would simply need to walk further towards the pyramids where the foes would be higher level, though for the most part they still had similar combat styles to the lower level soldiers; their melee weapons would tell you what kind of attacks they would do.

The level 3 mist keep dungeon was much easier compared to the level 5 wolf quarry dungeon, which had a more complicated dungeon path with dead ends, sneak attacks, pitch-black darkness and narrow paths; the enemies also started at level 5.

Not to mention the more varied enemies such as the silt wolf variant that did mana-based attacks, or the rockleaf mollusk.

All these smaller things added up to make it a much harder dungeon to grind in, especially in groups..

Most of the adventurers were still level 5, though a few had hit level 6 by now.

Jay’s stomach was beginning to make noises, he woke up so early today that he decided to skip breakfast.

Returning to the butchery, he was met by Trenly as he entered the shop.

“Wow, you got here this early?”

“Yep” Trenly nodded “First day of work.” he smiled.

Trenly was still making sausages so Jay decided he would try them for breakfast.