Chapter: 280
He cooked them up with some bondtussle root, he did just summon 4 skeletons after all, so he needed some of the mana regen.

Trenly periodically watched Jay cooking his sausages, wondering if they would be good or not.

Finally, Jay sat down to eat.

“Hmm… mm.” Jay took the first bite. Immediately he looked at Trenly who was looking at him.

“Don’t worry. It’s good, but there’s only one thing – you need to add a little more fat from the ox badger. They should be about 20% fat.”

Trenly nodded “I see.”

He went off and adjusted the sausage mix.

“Seems like the business is in good hands.” he thought as he finished his meal.

Jay was going to head back to the mist keep dungeon, but Trenly stopped him.

“Hey, a guard came by. He said you have to go to the adventurer association.”

“Oh? What was it about?”

“I don’t know. He just said you were requested.” Trenly shrugged.

“You didn’t ask him why?”

“No?” Trenly looked a little uneasy. “Am I in trouble?” he wondered to himself.

“Hmm, alright. I’ll go see what it’s about. Keep up the good work.” Jay tapped the counter with his hand and headed off to the adventure association.

– – –

“Hmm…” Matheson squinted at a silt-wolf in the cave.

“Why isn’t it looking at me?” the light from the lamp was reaching the wolf but it had no reaction.

From behind, it seemed like a normal wolf – though it had no large jagged nodules running up its back.

Suddenly it’s head turned into the light where he could see it, and it caused a shiver to go up Matheson’s spine.

“What the fuck is that thing…”

It had no eyes or nose, only a mouth that opened into 3 jaws.

After squinting at it for a moment, it didn’t seem that dangerous to Matheson.

“If it can’t see me, it might even be easier than the other ones…”

Matheson decided to try to fight it, starting the battle off with a sneak attack.