Chapter: 92
“Well, since I’m up I may as well get started” Jay said to himself as he finished his water.
Making his way back upstairs to put on the rest of his clothes, including the Molodus coat which seemed to almost slide itself onto Jay, he began thinking about how he would sneak off into the woods. He decided to pack a shirt, pants and a hooded cloak which he would use to dress up one of his feeble creatures to cause a distraction if need be.
Losla village wasn’t a walled settlement, it had 3 main roads with a gentle stream running around the north-west side of the village, which went under a bridge on the north road.
Jay thought the guards probably wouldn’t stop him, but he decided to play it safe and sneak out anyway, heading towards the north-west side of town, he crossed the stream and headed into the forest.
Normally, the forest was thick enough to conceal someone after going a few meters into it, however this was winter and the only thing with any leaves were the evergreen’s, which forced Jay to walk an extra few minutes into the spindly, cold forest.
Making his way to Wolf’s Quarry dungeon, he decided to wait until he was inside before summoning the rest of his skeletons. It wasn’t long before he came across Muffin.
“Wow, you’re quite bloody.” Jay thought. Muffin’s entire knife was crimson red, along with it’s bottom jaw.
Looking at Muffin, Jay realised that it probably was his skeletons causing all the trouble; he could only imagine what Muffin did to become so bloody. All of the skeleton’s bones had at least a few splatters of blood on them; none were left undefiled.
Approaching the entrance of the dungeon slowly, Jay hid behind trees and rocks. Keeping low to the ground and quiet, there appeared to be no one nearby so he didn’t unsummon Muffin, simply sending Muffin to the dungeon entrance.
“Surely someone would scream, shout or attack if they saw Muffin” he thought.
It seemed like the coast was clear so Jay did a crouch-run to the dungeon entrance.
The entrance was what Jay expected – a makeshift mining site with a few tools and a rope-pulley going into a dark hole. A large wolf skull was inside a slanted mining tent among some tools.
Trying to grab one of the shovels lying around, it seemed like it was somehow stuck to the soil somehow.
“Odd.” Jay raised an eyebrow as he bent down and gripped the shovel with all his might and tried to pick it up, yet it wouldn’t even budge. “Seems like these are a part of the dungeon’s entrance”. Jay tried to pick up different objects a few more times, including the wolf’s skull – yet to no effect. He pursed his lips and scratched his head as he moved towards the dark mining shaft, receiving a notification.
[Wolf’s Quarry – Level 5 Dungeon]
[Enter Wolf’s Quarry?]
Jay braced himself as he hit yes – he guessed that he would have to go into the hole somehow and he was correct, a strange gravitational force began to drag him into the hole. He didn’t resist – it did seem like some other adventurers did in the past though as there were finger marks on the ground from people trying to stop themselves being dragged in.
After Jay’s head was below ground level, it was suddenly total darkness, as if the entrance had been blocked by a large boulder.
Jay and Muffin began falling, the wind whistling past them. Soon they began to slow down and levitate, while a gentle glowing light appeared, flickering below them, a beacon in the darkness. They were dropped off by the side of a slow-moving underground river – it was so slow that it produced no sound at all, neither were there lapping waves against the rocks; “It must be incredibly deep” Jay thought.
It was incredibly quiet in this huge, cavernous dungeon. Every pebble movement created a tiny echo – however this was quickly drowned out by the clanking bones of Muffin; though this caused Jay to smile a little.
An abandoned slanted mining tent with a lamp hung on a pole was nearby – the lamp being the only source of light in the cave, the one which they saw when they were falling. Jay summarily grabbed the lamp and was glad to find that it wasn’t ‘stuck’ to the tent like the tools around the dungeon’s entrance.
A single pressed-dirt path led along the side of the river and into the darkness.
“I’ll summon the others before I move on.” Jay thought as he shifted his ring into its orbital form, summoning the other two feeble creatures – both of them level 2. The creatures waited patiently as Jay pulled out the bone daggers and tossed them on the ground for them to pick up.